Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dream Job (now no longer)

People always asked me at campus, "do you really want to practice after you graduate?" and my answer is always "No, not sure, see how first". And come to the day i have my internship, next time people ask me, I will definitely say NO. A big NO, a scary hell big NO.

Its funny when I used to think that I want this professional degree, to practice as an auditor and become a partner. Then, today, on my 3rd day of internship I started asking myself is this what I really want to do. Is this what I want to spend my life with? Is this what I gonna look forward every time I wake up in the morning? Miserable me, yes I am now. I just realised this thing is never meant for me. Call me early judger, I don't care. I just feel it doesn't suit me in any way possible.

I better off become a newscaster or whatnot and married a Sultan (ok, its a joke)

Till then, lets see if I survive another 6 months as an auditor.

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