Thursday, March 21, 2013

Gunung Ledang sama didaki.

Wahh, 2 updates in a week. Agak memecahkan rekod disitu :P But anyway, i'm still get excited when remembering our awesome weekend. So ada baiknya terus diupdate sebelum ia berkubur didalam draft buat selama-lamanya.

Yeah! We conquered Gunung Ledang on 16th March 2013 around 5.00 pm, weeeeee~ !

Hikers at the peak!
Us - Idzham, Naim, Syahir, Ajim, Jilan, Alif, Nisa, Ena, Nini, Azira

Tiba-tiba gambar dah sampai puncak, apakah ini syiera T.T

Oklah kita cerita dari awal, 
We all bertolak ke Gunung Ledang around 7.15 am. Perancangan utk bertolak seperti pada pkul 4.30, 5.30 dan 6.30 terpaksa dibatalkan oleh kerana macam mana awal pun sampai di kaki gunung ledang, we can only start hiking at 8.00 am because the tour guide only will arrive at 8.00 am. So, sesiapa yg merancg nk naik lebih awal dari pkul 8 pagi, sila naik gunung-gunung yg lain haha

Sesampai je disana, first thing first haruslah makan. Makan everywhereee. Kredit to the housemate yg sediakan mihun goreng pada pagi tu. One tip utk para pendaki, jika ingin memulakan pendakian, elakkan makanan yang berminyak kerana ia akan meningkatkan kadar keasidan dalam perut dan akhirnya akan muntah, pening etc etc. Tapi, jangan pulak tak makan, sia-sia jelah semangat nak mendaki tapi badan lembik akibat perut kosong. 

waktu sarapan. Ena dan nini sedang berebut sesuatu.

After that, kami register to the renjer. The fees is around RM 38.00 per person including insurance and tour guide fees. Yah i know the price is quite pricey but believe me, it's worth it. Subhanallah, the view up there, phewww~ We have to declare everything that we brought and wore on that day. Everything have to be counted. One thing missing, say hello to goodbye to your RM 50.00 deposit.

Declaring the stuff and little bit of briefing

On your mark, get set, go! 

We started the hiking at 9.00 am after the breakfast and briefing. The trail started with 600 staircase that will lead us to CP1, Bukit Semput. Sesuai sgt dengan nama, memang kesemputan terasa di checkpoint tersebut. One of our group member vomited at this checkpoint. If during hiking you feel like vomiting, let it go. Just vomit, you will feel so much better and you might hike much more faster than everyone else then :P

Nini's family day

We continue to the next checkpoint after get some rest, minum air etc etc. Overall there are 7 checkpoints. We refilled our bottle at checkpoint 3. This checkpoint is called sungai tiga segi something something rasanyalah. Subhanallah, air yg sangat sejuk, segar dan bersih. That was the first time i drank water straight away from the river, and it taste good. Itu sungai dunia tu, sungai dalam syurga nanti macam manalah agaknya ya. And the funny thing was, saya tergelincir and i went straight into the river T.T so i continued my hiking with shoes already soaked in water, nice T.T

Tuan tanah bersama roomate at sungai tiga segi

Batu Hampar, one of the toughest checkpoint

By the time we arrived at bukit botak (i'm not sure what checkpoint was that) its already late for our zuhr prayer. So we stop there and perform our solat. Few minutes after we finished our prayer, suddenly hujan lebat turun. We dont have any other option, we dont have ponco or umbrella with us so we all soaking in the rain. And I am not that creative in making baju hujan out of red plastic bag like some people do :P What a nice experience. And i remember someone once told me, hujan tu kan rahmat, kenapa perlu lari daripadanya? to the person, yeah its great to walk in the rain sambil mengingati kebesaranNya :)

Although its quite risky continuing the journey in the rain but we did it, we continue to climb until we reached the peak. Sambil menggigil because its too cold up there, dengan baju basahnya lagi, we cannot deny that we felt very satisfied and happy, or atleast i felt really really happy at that moment. only 5 minutes up there as we already late and we all were exposed to the danger of lightning strike if we stay longer. So hye puncak gunung ledang, bye puncak gunung ledang :(

The Jejakas

Para Gegadis

With our tour guide, abg Aan.

One of the view from puncak gunung ledang. Agak berkabus.

We started the journey going back at 5.00 pm and we stopped 2 times to perform our asr and maghrib prayer. Its becomes so dark after maghrib but we still have longgg way to go. With only 5 torch lights, it becomes so hard to walk faster and unfortunately i hurt my left ankle and knees. I cant saw there was a wood in front of me, i went straight to the wood, fell down and hurt my ankle. The journey going back become much more slower with an injured person. Its quite shameful, i should be very careful with my steps. Feel like slapping myself afterwards T.T We only arrived at camp base at 11.30 pm. I felt so relieved yet guilty. Alhamdulillah, journey kami untuk mentaddabur alam berjaya dan kami semua sampai dengan selamat :)

So much we learn during the journey, what most important is determination. Determination yang buatkan we all get going. Kalau fikirkan penat, habis je staircase kat bukit semput tu dah rasa semput nak balik rumah sambung tidur haha. Same goes in life, if we determine to get something, we will do everything to get it. No matter how tired, lelah, letih, putus asa we are. Begitu juga dalam perjalanan mengejar syurga, macam manapun Allah uji kita, kalau kita determine nakkan syurga Dia, kita akan redha, sabar,tempuh ujian tu dengan baik. Kita akan lakukan segalanya-galanya demi sebuah syurga abadi, kan? :)

Until here this time, toodles :)

P/s: Sneakpeek gunung dato', katanya nak daki akhir sem ni, jummss ? :)

Gunung Dato', April 2011


dayang selasih said...

Hujan tu part paling pehhhh gigihnye koranggg !!!

LOAD said...

pergghhh. best nya hiking :) lg2 klau boleh hiking bersama orng yg tersayang :P

Unknown said...

Boleh camping at top?