Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Of Semester Break


Its been a week of semester break dan nampaknya cuti panjang-panjang ni not as fun as we MMU-ian imagined it would be . Yeah, maybe its just me, a boring person get a boring sem break haha Teringat sewaktu minggu final and all we housemates keep saying was "bila lah nak cuti, bila lah nak cuti" and now dah cuti, i kinda hope now we still in learning week, waalaahh ayat sunggu chenta MMU ni.

Before the semester break started or i might say on the day of my last paper, we did a small gathering among the girls. Masa untuk catch up semula dengan semua kawan-kawan yang dah graduated for their diploma and all that. It was such a great meet up and yeah we did an activity called laser tag at a newly opened laser tag place at Mahkota Parade, Melaka.

Para-para sniper :)

It was unexpected plan as we planned to go to Fruit Farm at Sungai Udang and it turned out that there were no fruit at all T.T (bukan musim, naseblah). We changed our planned to Mahkota Parade and poofff we was there haha That is why i was wearing my jubah and pair of wedges while playing that game. Bayangkanlah terpaksa berlari-berlari dengan jubah and to make thing worse i was targeted by lovely (sangatt :P) housemate, Hafiezah throughout the game so i have to run somehow haha. Turn out i got the second lowest marks among them all, such a lousy sniper i am aite? This game is so much fun and we definitely will play it again sooner.  After that, makan makan and jonker walk visit with them all :)

So back to the topic, this semester break adalah masa untuk 're-charge diri'. After that hustle bustle of student life, now He gave me some time to get a rest and recharge battery yang hampir kong akibat kesibukan mengejar donia yang sementara ini, ayattt. Dan cuti seperti inilah yang menimbulkan rindu, rindu kepada usrah, kuliah, rindu tadah kitab, ahh banyakk lagi rindu. Betullah as people say we will start appreciate thing when they are gone. Pehh sungguh betul ayat itu, masa learning week kemain lagi syaitonn menghasut suruh malas pegi usrah etc etc sekarang dah rinduu :') Jiwa yang tak terisi dengan tarbiyyah pasti akan keluh kesah kan? 

Tapi, as battery, kalau charge lamaaaa sangat, nanti meletup, so saya tak nak lah so called 're-charge diri' terlampau lama, takut-takut nanti jadi malas pulak :) so Alhamdulillah, i've found a job as kindergarden teacher weeee >< Today is my first day and i've been through it smoothly alhamdulillah. Ahhh the cute faces, their voices, their chubby cheeks rasa macam nak peluk-peluk sorang-sorang. I have to teach pendidikan islam, bahasa arab and also mathematics. I am still not yet start with the teaching today so we will see how it goes when i become the teacher. The headmistress say i must be a lil bit garang to the children, haha but seeing their cute faces it might be a little hard, nevermind insyaAllah i will manage :) My initial plan to become tutor for SPM student is not working because my dad get transferred to another school. Yeah, Allah knows which suits me better :)

So, till fingers meet the keyboard. InsyaAllah i will write about my journey as a kindergarden teacher :)


p/s: Rindu.

1 comment:

Amalina Ghani said...

Cikgu Syiraaaa ! awwww ~ :D

faham perasaan bosan cuti lama2. We Multimedians are trained to holiday pendek2 je, sobs T_T selamat bertugas cikgu !