Monday, July 22, 2013

Throwback: Lhoksuemawe, Aceh, Indonesia

One of my friend during secondary school went to Lhoksuemawe last week
She posted a few pictures and all i can say is Allahu rabbi, rindu! 
I really hope they do well in their hafadzan, and they do well in their studies

By the way, PA5-ian, katanya nama kita disebut-sebut, mereka tanya kpd delegasi yang pergi tu kenal tak sama kakak-kakak MMU yang pernah dtg ke sana 2 tahun lepas
Semoga nama kita tak pernah luput dari doa mereka :')


Sunday, July 21, 2013


She is the girl who always misunderstood and misstated by people.

She is the girl when she speaks, people thought she wanted people to follow her order.
Truth is she is very open for negotiation, and she also knows she not always right.

She is the girl when she remain silents, people assumed she is angry.
Truth is she try to listen and thinking how to say a beautiful words even she object.

She is the girl when she is willing to give everything, people are afraid to ask for anything.
Because people scared she will scold them

She is the girl when she pick up the phone toneless, people ask "are you ok?"
Truth is she just don't have the skills to talk over phone, she prefers face to face

She is the girl when she walk down the hallway expressionless
People judge her as arrogant, just because her lips curled downwards
what people want her to do? some facial surgery?

She is the girl, who don't know how to deliver a lovey dovey words to anyone
Just because she's being raised by a very strict mother, who she knows love her so deeply

She is the girl who don't remember people's birthday, because she's not good with numbers
but she loves all of them nonetheless

She is the girl who always make unfavorable choice
Because she hold firmly to what she believes

She is the girl who people thought judge other people, mistreat other people, misstate other people
Yet she is the one who being judged, being mistreated and being misunderstood.

Thank you, love.